Become an Investment Partner

Are you an investor focused on climate finance?

PFAN develops partnerships with a wide range of investors and financiers, including impact funds, corporate investors, DFIs, commercial investors and banks, in developed markets and across all regions where we operate, with the ultimate goal of mainstreaming investments in low carbon, climate resilient projects. Partnerships are set-up in a transparent and practical manner to streamline collaboration and focus on getting things done. This is achieved by setting clear objectives and defining related activities for effective implementation to bring the desired mutual benefits.

Key areas of cooperation

  • Investing in PFAN supported projects
  • Referring projects to PFAN
  • Vetting of PFAN projects
  • Actively contributing to events and being part of our investor community

Why partner with PFAN?

Investors and financial institutions active in the climate and clean energy field partnering with PFAN benefit from the following:

  • Priority access to high quality, investment-ready projects: High quality, investment-ready projects which successfully completed PFAN’s development process are first introduced to our investment partners. Knowing your priorities and focus areas, PFAN introduces investment partners to projects with attractive potential returns and verified climate and development benefits.
  • Free development support to promising projects: As investor you may come across projects which are promising, however not yet ready for investment. In these cases, as an investment partner you can refer these projects to PFAN. When considered eligible for our support, dedicated PFAN Advisors will provide free development support to these projects to make them investment-ready and return them to you.
  • Access to PFAN Advisors: Investment partners can get access to a large network of locally based advisors with expertise and proven track records in climate and clean energy financing.
  • Become a judge at prestigious investor events: PFAN offers our investment partners the opportunity to actively participate to PFAN events: e.g. as judge at our investor events to get firsthand access to information on promising projects.