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Carbon-Neutral livestock production at scale

Country Kenya
Sector Agriculture & agribusiness, Bio-diversity & ecosystem services, Climate change adaptation
Technology Area Solar, Regenerative agriculture, Climate-smart agriculture
Stage Greenfield Project
Total fund ask (in $USD Millions) 5K - <10M
Security / preferred instruments Straight equity, Senior debt
The company plans to solve the environmental and animal welfare challenges of the livestock sector in the Horn of Africa, while meeting the rapidly rising demand for meat in the Gulf and Middle East region. By employing regenerative grazing and solar irrigation, it will cut GHG emissions from livestock production by 75% per head by 2026 and aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030. Led by experts in livestock in the Horn of Africa, the company is setting up a livestock quarantine, fattening and finishing centre in an EPZ in Kenya and managing the export and transport of live animals. This will substantially increase the incomes of 500,000+ smallholder pastoralists.