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Carbon tracking and accounting technology platform for nature-based solutions

Country Kenya
Sector Bio-diversity & ecosystem services, Climate change adaptation, Climate resilient infrastructure, Renewable energy
Technology Area Data innovation, Financial services
Stage Startup Enterprise
Total fund ask (in $USD Millions) 1M - <5M
Security / preferred instruments Straight equity, Grant
An impact development company providing technology solutions for climate mitigation to social enterprises, governments and private sector globally through a proprietary, pre-approved Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) biomass carbon tracking technology. Through development of Digital Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (DMRV) services for forestry carbon removal projects and carbon credits exchange, we provide a cost effective, accurate digital climate accounting technology for monitoring nature-based solutions such as afforestation, reforestation.

We also provide auxiliary services such as biomass carbon impact quantifications, forestry carbon removal feasibility analysis, validation and verification of carbon nature-based projects and a carbon trading platform.